Gruß, EO
Die Übersetzung befindet sich zwei Beiträge weiter unten.
The men behind Barack Obama
Interview with historican
Webster Tarpley
Gesprochener Text, Webster Tarpley:
Beware of Obama - he´s not what you think,
they try to make him look like a Moslem,
in the US they try - he may have been be a Moslem at one point,
but that they wanne hide in the US but in the world they say
"Oh, he is a moslem, we should like him!".He,he,he
I am basicly a writer, a historican, I´ve written about
terrorism in central europe,i´ve written about George Bush the elder,
my unauthorised biography of George Bush is, I think, a really well known in the Internet,
I´ve written about the world economic crisis,the book called "Surviving the cataclysm"
I´ve done essays on history, called "Against Oligarchy"
(*) Anmerkung: (The manchurian candidate - ein Film in dem ein Kandidat für das Amt des Vizepräsidenten
einer Gehirnwäsche unterzogen wurde. "manchurian" bezieht sich auf ein Firmenkonsortium,
dass diesen Kandidaten ins Amt bringt und "fernsteuert")
and then "nine eleven - synthetic Terror made in USA" and I have one Book,
it´s just out: "Obama, the postmodern Coup - the making of a manchurian kandidate"
but I´m so alarmed by Obama the phaenomenon, that I´ve written not one
book this year, but two!
This is the second book coming out, this is the unauthorised biography of Obama.
The terms of the US politics - ah - my task is to call peoples attention to the most dangerous
covered operation that´s going on at any given time from 2001 to 2007,
that was the entire 9/11-myth
and the attemped stored wars, the afghan war, the irak war, and for a time, the iran war.
up until the middle, say about july to august 2007 -that was a very real danger, so I focused on that.
now, that danger is changing,it is radicly shiftet,the greatest danger is now a covered
operation, around the candidacy of Obama.
it´s a kind of political "coupe d´état" (Staatsstreich/Schlag gegen den Staat) going on in
the united states, with great danger for the world, because the policy represented
by Obama is more aggressive, more militaristic and generally speaking more catastrophic
than anything the neocon had.
There´s nothing good to say about McCain, just much worst things to say about Obama.
Obama is a world tragedy in the making, this is a catastrophic situation if Obama becomes
president. He is a puppet (Marionette) of the trialiteral Commisson (Trilaterale Kommission)
and a partikular of Zbigniew Brzezinski, and this is a clique of Bankers, they ran the
Carter administration, many people today don´t remember how dissasteres the Carter administration was,
but it was a very, very, terrible time, economicly as well as stategicly and now the same group
has groomed another puppet. This time with more preparation, with more indoctrination.
So this is the moment, when this clique of bankers decides to bring in a new face. And this time
not a right winger (ein Rechtskonservativer), not a neocon, but a left wing democrate who promises hope and
change but acutally represents a policy that qualitated worse, qualitated more destructive and
he can delivery Europe, as points (?) as puppets, as expendable assets because the project
of the next administration in the US, if its Obama, it´s going to be not so much wars in the
middle east, but wars in a greater scale.
As Brzezinski says, "The center of power in the world is not Iran, it´s Moscow and Beijing",
and therefore Brzezinski is determined accentually to smash Russia and China, in the next
periode ahead, in order to let the US/British world domination go on for another hundred
years. Now, thats the project. That´s more ambitioned then any neocon, and its more
inventorous and its more dangerous so people in Europe have better wake up from
that silly romantic illussion they had about Obama. It´s gonna be suicidal for them,
if they don´t understand this.
There are right wingers who do not know how to attack Obama.I would attack Obama in the
way that I´ve you said, he is a puppet of finance capital, of the worst possible circles
of David Rockefeller, Georges Soros an his Group and their projekt is extreme austerity,
savage reduction in the standard of living, and the basicly immiseration and
impoverishment of the United States. In term of foreign policy it is this plan to
have a global showdown with Russia and China.
So for that they need a left cover. Now the right wingers don´t know how to attack this.
So they basicly try to argue either Obama is a communist, which I think is not accurate,
´cause he is a servant of finance capital, how could he be a communist, or that he´s
a moslem because his middlename is Hussein. He lived in Indonisia for a while and he may
did have considered himself for a moslem, at some point in his life, I would have ever noticed
the two fathers that he had. He had first a father from Kenia, his biological father who
abandoned him, a guy called Barack Hussein Obama sen. and then in Indonisian, a guy
called Lolo Sotero, ah - both of them,it seems to me were more devoted to
Johnny Walker Scotch Whisky as they ever where to Islam.I don´t think the moslem
connection would make any sense,but I would add one thing: If you wanna become president
of the United States, you are asking to get your fingers on the firmer (?) nuclear Button,
that is the button, that launches intercontinal ballistic rockets with H-Bombs
on them. From that point on, we, the public, want to know every thing about Obama.
Everything. If he was a moslem at some point, great, let´s find it out. And everybody
knows it. I think that fine, but all the people may not agree, the main thing is, that we
know everything about him. You got to know that he is signed up for social - ah,
for selective service, is he HIV positive, does he have a criminal record, is he bisexual,
does he smoke crack or cocain, these are charges, that were made about him.
The guy is a puppet of the worst circles of imperialism. And what he´s interested in the same
imperialists projekt carried out in a much more effectiv and clever way, of a ultimately much
more insane way? Let´s check the case of Iran. The neocons look a iran and says,
somebody like McCain, "We wanna bomb Iran", Brzezinski says "You´re crazy, you can´t do that.
You are too weak, you´re too bankrott, you´re too isolated, you´re too hated.You know what we do
with Iran?" says Brzezinski, "This is, I don´t want Iran at war with United States, I want Iran
at war with Russia. Let´s turn Iran into a tool, into a puppet, and play Iran against Russia."
And Brzezinski said "I´m sure you had to do that! I played Afghanistan against the Soviets,and
I destroyed the Soviets".
So we look at Syria. The neocons looks at Syria. It´s "Let´s attack Syria". Brzezinski says:
"You´re crazy. Don´t do that. Make a deal with Syria. There is a very important
russian Navelbase", - in a Place called Tartus in the Mediterainian. Brzezinski
has been in Iran, he went for Iran corporation a couple of month ago. "The goal we get the
Russians out of Tartus, and try to turn Syria - if possible against the Russians.
Instead of being the target, the moslems became cannon fodder for the project against
Russia and China."
Let´s take Chinese-Turkistan,right, - there´s a moslem minority, the Vigurs (?),right - what´s Brzezinski
plan for them? Is to have them fight and die in some kind of inssurection, he has got
an inssurection going in Tibet. The idea right now is, forget about the targetlist that you
have known. The targetlist is getting bigger. Let me add a couple of others to the targetlist.
Let´s take Sudan. Arab country, arab ligue. why is Sudan being target? What´s the Story
with Darfur. Why are (?) they doing. Are they really concerned about humanitary emergency?
No! They are concernt that 7 percent of the oil for China comes from Sudan. They are
looking desperately for a pretext to go into Sudan, overthrow General Bushier (?) and
cut of the Oil going to Sudan.
Now let´s take the really big one. Up until now everyone is focused on Iran.
Will the US attack Iran? Will the US really attack Iran? I say, no, they won´t.
The US and the British will not - I can´t exclude some israely crazy,
that´s possible, but I don´t believe in.
nenn mich EO
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