Book of Daleth

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  • Book of Daleth

    Hi Leute, Forumbenutzer und Gäste

    Hab letztens ein Buch entdeckt, dass euch vielleicht gefallen könnte. Ist sone Art Geschichtlicher Trace (öh, wie sagt man dem schon wieder auf Deutsch?) von Symbolen in Bezug auf das Thema des Absoluten (Gott,Braman,Selbst, wie auch immer ihr das nennt). Ist auch noch interessant, da es meist ganz alltägliche Dinge beinhaltet, aber einfach noch mit einer Erklärung dazu (z.B. bei einem normalen Kartenspiel die Ursprüngliche Symbolik dahinter etc.) auch ansonsten ist es kein schlechter Wegweiser, wenn jemand sich der letzten Wahrheit widmen will. Leider nur auf Englisch, aber dafür gratis..

  • Auszug hier mal ein Auszug daraus, der zwar grad weniger mit Symbolik zu tun hat, aber ziemlich genau aufzeigt, um was es dort eigentlich geht.

    W H A T I S E N L I G H T E N M E N T ?

    Draw three concentric circles within a larger circle. Make the larger circle a dotted line. The smallest circle is your normal identity. The next larger circle is Atman or Self, the largest solid line circle is Brahman or the Absolute. All three solid circles are contained within the dotted line circle. The dotted line circle is Pi.

    Each smaller circle is a dream of the next larger circle. Your normal identity is a dream of Self, Self is a dream of Brahman, and Brahman is a dream of Pi. The dotted line indicates that Pi is indefinable. It is only an “imaginary” circle since it is boundless and includes many other concentric circles of which we remain unaware.

    Our awareness is defined by the solid circles. Our awareness is defined. To be aware means to be defined. Defining means to be encompassed. Reality is the dotted line and cannot be defined. We cannot become aware of the undefined since the undefined can not be encompassed.

    Enlightenment is an awareness event. We start out aware of our normal identity, then Self, then Brahman. We are aware of each event in turn therefore each individual event is encompassed by the next larger event. Finally Brahman encompasses both the Self and your normal identity event. But all solid circles are dream events since they are defined. If they can be defined they are not real. The real is indefinable and cannot be defined by an event.

    So what has happened during enlightenment? The answer is nothing has happened. All three events occurred only in the mind of Pi as dreams events. Neither your normal identity, Self, or the Absolute can be aware of reality since they are encompassed by that reality. Your normal identity, Self, and the Absolute can only be aware of what they encompass. Reality cannot be encompassed.

    So what is our memory of enlightenment? Everything that seemed to occur during enlightenment occurred only in the mind of Pi. The participants in the event, the event itself, and the memory of the event are dreams of Pi. The dreamer can encompass the dreams but the dreams cannot encompass the dreamer. Pi cannot be defined by the dreams of Pi. Therefore we cannot know reality.

    But we can know we are a dream of reality. The reality of the dream is the dreamer. Our reality is Pi. We are the dreamer.

    We are Pi.