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  • new bible

    manichaeum - - Archiv


    lock at this, hope you like it: and keep careful with that. greetings, joe ps. its not complete - just think so

  • Johannes de Doper

    manichaeum - - Archiv


    hi there, I just recovered some of the files ... an watch it in my next post in my choosen thread... pleace

  • Johannes de Doper

    manichaeum - - Archiv


    We had been attacked by Counterforces... they turned our closest person, with full-access to our database, to delete those datafiles. In time we are not able to recover the files - had been good work.... At last we can say, that we turned back the person and the Counterforce will loose much off their force. I wish we can get back those files or get them twice... Its a really bad bad thing what happen over here. @sooma we don't want to keep it secret, we want to publish it, thats something realy …

  • "Worte Des Neuen Buddha"

    manichaeum - - Archiv


    Hello again, ... first thanks for the proposal. There is already much more feadback than I expected. But just about languages and slangs... Allright - I preview to pass you the new "bible" - the words of the new Buddha. Some books that will change the world in the near future up into far times. I things I'm doing better to put them into another thread, maybe an existing one. I've got a favorite topic... By the way! The original books are written in german. Would not be necessary to translate the…

  • Johannes de Doper

    manichaeum - - Archiv


    Worden begroet, Het wordt tijd dat ik de nieuwe "bijbel" overbrengen ... Daarom is mijn profiel hier. Binnenkort zal ik hier de boeken zien vertonen! Wees gezegend, Yochanan ben Zacharia